Individual research
brainstorm session
meeting 2
Handbook Research
Loving : A Photographic History of Men in Love 1850s-1950s
more queer stuff click here!
Tracing the history of the word ‘queer’
click here!

'American newspapers used ‘queer’ as a derogatory term almost immediately, using it to highlight the fact that homosexuality was strange and abnormal.'
when you google queer hands...
in this video people from all different ages answer questions about being queer and the comunity. you can see what being queer or being a part of this community means to everyone and how that also can be very different from each other.
exampels for queer archives:

the spectrum app:

spectrum is a queer community app, here to arm queer people who are isolated, closeted or at-risk with the tools to manage their mental health, find resources and information and connect with the community.

a queer archive from australia:

this is a collection of queer stories since 1978, it collects all stories that otherwise would have been forgotten.
the importance of queer archives is being discussed in this essay.

Artists who work with the queer topic:

home page